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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
I spent time recently gathering material about a fascinating animal. A primitive and to all appearances harmless animal, but one that could very well...Read more
Behind the scenes at our institutions, there are all kinds of individuals who cultivate the art of understanding and caring for our live collections...Read more
Biodôme visitors can now observe, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence ecosystem , an exceptional bird, one that is rarely if ever seen in captivity. This is...Read more
Behind the scenes at our institutions, there are all kinds of individuals who cultivate the art of understanding and caring for our live collections...Read more
Red-eyed vireos, cardinals, cedar waxwings… Corpses by the thousand blanket the ground. In Lennox, Ontario, 10,000 birds died over two rainy nights...Read more
On the occasion of Earth Day, the Biodôme is pleased to present the project of a young Dutchman who’s harboring a potential for hope that all of us...Read more
You’re sitting by a fire, on a summer night, and suddenly pinpoints of yellow light keep appearing and disappearing all around you. It’s fascinating...Read more
A season to look forward to Spring isn’t far off, a wonderful season synonymous with the return of warmth, crocuses breaking through the snow and the...Read more
Not to worry! This is no infectious disease or rare parasite that’s turned up in the animal collections at the Biodôme, but rather a new species of...Read more
It’s 8:45 a.m., and we’re preparing for the arrival of the first visitors. The mission is clear, the objective is simple, and the importance is...Read more