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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Written on May 28, 2019 To the most prevalent invasive plants – like the formidable common reed, buckthorn and Eurasian watermilfoil – we have to add...Read more
What is that frog that regularly makes headlines in the Montréal area – the striped chorus frog? It’s a tiny frog less than four centimeters long...Read more
The starry sky beetle, or Asian longhorned beetle , is a pest that made its way from China and Korea to the American continent via the shipping of...Read more
In stories we often come across animals that act like us and that live in houses. However charming that would be, the reality of the ways they...Read more
Setting off to pick edible wild plants is a wonderful adventure that allows us to not only add novel flavors to our plates but also to renew...Read more
Wakame, nori, kombu, arame, hijiki – words from the Land of the Rising Sun, where consumption of seaweed is part of day-to-day living. In Japan, but...Read more
Did you know that the choices you make at the fish counter affect our planet’s health? Just imagine if all the shoppers at your grocery store chose...Read more
In fact, do urban birds speak the same language as the birds in the country? Do they share the same dialect? Town and country: two different worlds...Read more
Animal collections have evolved a great deal since the 18th century. In the past, species were collected in menageries. Animals were captured in...Read more
I spent time recently gathering material about a fascinating animal. A primitive and to all appearances harmless animal, but one that could very well...Read more