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Would you like to participate in the advancement of natural science and scientific culture? Get people interested in environmental issues? Become a member of the Espace pour la vie Foundation and take part in its activities.
Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
If this last year of pandemic has in fact taught us anything, it’s that we’re able, all together, to take strong action to get us out of a crisis...Read more
Commercial tench fishing could help control the invasion of this species in the St. Lawrence River and benefit…the Biodôme’s animals! The invasion of...Read more
Did you know that the choices you make at the fish counter affect our planet’s health? Just imagine if all the shoppers at your grocery store chose...Read more
Sleep varies greatly across species and can be very different to what we humans experience. So what’s it like for fish? Most research on the topic...Read more