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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
The Earth is our natural spaceship, and carries us along on its journey through space. Its movements provide the rhythm for our measurement of time,...Read more
Parc Jean-Drapeau, the setting for the Biosphère, is an ideal place to observe migrating birds in the spring and in the fall, especially for early...Read more
On November 11, 2019, we’ll be witness to a rare phenomenon: the transit of the planet Mercury in front of the Sun. The planet Mercury’s orbit is...Read more
In the information and mobile-technology age, it’s easier than ever to immortalize the spectacles that nature presents. Were you aware that when you...Read more
The Sun is a star of light. It emits a radiance that dazzles us when we try to observe it directly. We instinctively close our eyes, which protects...Read more
Gardening is a lot more than growing plants: it’s cultivating life! And whoever cultivates life has to demonstrate patience and tolerance. You’ll be...Read more
In the next few days, the two brightest planets will get together at dawn for one of the most impressive encounters you can observe. What’s happening...Read more
Galileo saw them in 1610 with his primitive telescope, but he believed that the planet was decked out with a pair of ears. Forty-five years later,...Read more