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Common murre
This seabird has dark chocolate brown plumage on its back, neck and head, and white undersides. Its bill is slender and pointed. It stands erect, like a penguin, when on land.
ClassBirdsOrderCharadriiformesFamilyAlcidae -
Common sand dollar
As its name suggests, the common sand dollar resembles a large coin and doesn’t have the five arms that other echinoderms have.
ClassEchinoideaOrderClypeasteroidaFamilyEchinarachniidea -
Common sea star
This well-known marine animal has five arms with rounded tips. Under each arm are four rows of suction-cup feet (podia) or ambulacral feet.
ClassAsteroideaOrderForcipulataFamilyAsteridae -
Common tern
More slender than a gull, the common tern has long straight wings, a forked tail and a black crown and nape. That is why these terns are sometimes called “sea swallows”.
ClassBirdsOrderCharadriiformesFamilyLaridae (gulls) -
Common tortoiseshell limpet
The common tortoiseshell limpet, (Tectura testudinalis) also known as the plant limpet, lives by the sea on rocky shorelines.
ClassGasteropodaOrderPatellogastropodaFamilyLottiidae -
The cunner has an elongated body, a small mouth and fleshy lips. There are 18 spines on its dorsal fin and 3 on its anal fin. These fish vary in colour.
ClassOsteichthyes (bony fish)OrderPerciformesFamilyLabridae -
Daisy brittle star
The daisy brittle star has a central body disk measuring about 2 cm in diameter, with 5 arms that are 9 cm long.
ClassOphiuroideaOrderOphiuridaFamilyOphiactidés -
Dyeing poison dart frog
The dyeing poison dart frog is an attractive species in the poison dart frog family, dendrobatidae.
ClassAmphibia (Batracia)OrderAnuraFamilyDendrobatidae -
Eastern American toad
The Eastern American toad is a medium-sized anuran. Its skin is covered with small wart-like bumps. It has a poison-secreting gland behind each eye.
ClassAmphibia (Batracia)OrderAnuraFamilyBufonidae -
Eastern bluebird
The male of the Eastern bluebird is blue above, with a reddish brown breast. The female is similar but duller in colouring. The young are also dull-coloured, with a streaked breast.