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  • Streptopus lanceolatus (anc. Streptopus roseus)

    Rose twisted-stalk, liverberry, scoot-berries

    This medium-sized plant grows 20 to 60 cm tall. Its weak, arched stem is ramified. Its leaves are rounded at the base and end in a long, narrow point.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous terrestrial plant
  • Rivina humilis L. (Rivina portulaccoides Nutt.)

    Rouge plant, pigeonberry, bloodberry

    This herbaceous plant is sometimes woody at its base. It grows about 1 m tall. Its smooth, finely haired leaves are acuminate and rounded at the base.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous terrestrial plant
  • Solidago rugosa

    Rough-stemmed goldenrod

    The stem of this plant is covered in long hairs and can grow 50 cm to 2 m tall. The leaves are wide, toothed and covered in hairs. Their veins are arranged like the barbs on a feather.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous terrestrial plant
    Asteraceae (Compositae)
  • Peperomia rotundifolia (L.) HBK (syn. P. nummulariifolia HBK)

    Round leaf peperomia, Trailing Jade Plant

    This perennial plant occurs in both creeping and epiphytic form.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous epiphytic plant
  • Osmunda regalis

    Royal fern

    This tall (1.2 m) fern forms crowns and usually grows in small, dense colonies. Each crown contains both sterile and partially fertile fronds.

    Plant form
  • Solidago squarrosa

    Rugged goldenrod

    This plant grows 40 to 160 cm tall. Its stem is very sturdy and usually single. The upper leaves are longer than they are wide, rounded at both ends, while those at the base of the stem are oval.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous terrestrial plant
    Asteraceae (Compositae)
  • Woodsia ilvensis

    Rusty woodsia

    This small rhizomatous plant grows about 15 cm tall. It has only one sort of fronds, which die back over the winter. This light green fern grows in very dense tufts.

    Plant form
  • Manilkara zapota (L.) P. van Royen

    Sapodilla, chicle tree

    This large canopy tree grows 25 to 30 m tall. Its inner bark produces copious white latex (characteristic of this family) known as chicle.

    Plant form
    Broadleaf tree
  • Hamelia patens Jacq. (syn. H. erecta, H. nodosa Mart. & Gal.)

    Scarlet bush, Fire bush, Hummingbird bush

    This shrub grows to 1.4 m on average, but occasionally reaches 10 m. Its leaves are elliptical, simple and whorled. There are 3 to 5 per node. They are 9 to 23 cm long by 4.5 to 10.5 cm wide.

    Plant form
    Broad-leaved shrub
  • Ligusticum scoticum

    Scotch lovage, sea lovage

    This medium-sized plant (50 cm) is typical of the Umbelliferae family in appearance: it has small flowers arranged in umbels, deeply divided leaves and a hollow, ribbed stem.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous shoreline plant
    Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
  • Limonium nashii

    Sea lavender, marsh-rosemary

    This small, short-stemmed plant grows 20 cm tall. Its fleshy green leaves are arranged in an often red-tinged rosette. It bears an abundance of small lavender-blue flowers at the end of the stem.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous shoreline plant
  • Elymus arenarius

    Sea lymegrass

    This large rhizomatous plant grows 1 to 1.25 m tall. It has long, broad, ribbon-like, bluish-green leaves.

    Plant form
    Herbaceous terrestrial plant
    Poaceae (Gramineae)