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Eastern larch, tamarac
This 15 to 22 m tall tree has pale green, flexible needles, 2 to 2.5 cm in length. They are spirally arranged along the branches, singly or in tufts of 10 to 20.
Plant formConiferFamilyPinaceae -
Eastern white cedar, eastern arborvitae
This 15 to 20 m tall tree has dark yellowish-green, scale-like leaves. They are pointed and borne in two ranks of opposite pairs, tight against the stem.
Plant formConiferFamilyCupressaceae -
Eastern white pine
This 30 to 90 m tall tree is the tallest conifer in eastern Canada. It has 6 to 13 cm-long needles, in bundles of five. They are bluish-green, flexible and soft to the touch.
Plant formConiferFamilyPinaceae -
Evergreen shield-fern, wood-fern
The leaves, or fronds, of this medium-sized fern (0.6 m) are bluish, and form crowns in rather sparse colonies.
Plant formFernFamilyDryopteridaceae -
False Solomon's seal
This plant grows from 30 to 75 cm tall. It has a zigzagging stalk at the tip of which is a flower head or cluster of fruit, depending on the season.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsparagaceae -
This large plant grows 1.5 to 2 m tall. Its stem is upright and branched above the mid-point. Its leaves are alternate, elongated and toothless.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyOnagraceae -
Flat-leaved vanilla
Flat-leaved vanilla is a species of climbing orchid native to the neotropics.
Plant formHerbaceous climbing plantFamilyOrchidaceae -
Flat-topped white aster, umbellate aster
The stem of this aster grows 30 to 250 cm tall and branches out near the top. The lance-shaped, fairly broad leaves are 10 to 15 cm long.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyCompositae -
Friedrichsthal's peace lily
This sturdy plant, without an obvious stem, grows over 1 m tall. Its leaf stalks are 30 to 60 cm long. Its leaves are 28 to 70 cm long and 7 to 22 cm wide.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAraceae -
Giant granadilla
This robust climbing plant grows to a height of 10 m. Its stems are squarish, and its tendrils allow it to cling to trees and shrubs.
Plant formHerbaceous climbing plantFamilyPassifloraceae -
Golden dwarf heliconia, Yellow heliconia
This plant can grow to almost 1.5 m. Its large leaves are opposite. Its terminal flowers are hermaphroditic, each with male and female flowers.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyHeliconiaceae -
Grey goldenrod
This plant is covered with fine, short, soft, greyish hairs. Its stem can grow up to 80 cm tall, but usually measures 20 to 40 cm. The leaves at the base of the stem are lance-shaped.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsteraceae (Compositae)