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Guanandi, Brazil beauty-leaf
This canopy tree has a cylindrical trunk growing 10 to 30 m tall and 40 to 60 cm across. Its crown covers a large area of forest (10 to 15 m wide). Its dark yellowish bark is marked with a diamon
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyCalophyllaceae -
This climbing shrub also appears in the form of a vine that may grow up to 13 m long. It has thin branches marked with long ribs. A white latex appears if the bark is cut.
Plant formVine, climbing shrubFamilySapindaceae -
This small tree grows 10 to 12 m tall. Its twisted, smooth trunk is made of hard wood and its greenish-brown bark peels off. The young branches are squarish.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyMyrtaceae -
Guiana chestnut
This medium-sized tree grows up to 25 m tall. Its cylindrical trunk is often swollen near the base.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyMalvaceae -
Guyana Costus, Giant Spiral Ginger
This plant grows 2 to 4 m tall. Its straight stem is 2 to 5 cm in diameter. The leaves are 30 to 65 cm long.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyCostacea -
Hairy Solomon's seal
Hairy Solomon's seal is easy to distinguish from the other plants in the Liliaceae family that have arched stems (false Solomon's seal, bellwort and rose twisted stalk).
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsparagaceae -
Hare's foot fern, rabbit's foot fern
The rhizome of this fern is covered in orangish or reddish-brown scales. Its leathery frond (or leaf) is 30 to 120 cm long and 18 to 50 cm wide. The leaf stalk is 10 to 40 cm long.
Plant formFernFamilyPolypodiaceae -
This average-sized fern (0.5 m) grows in clumps in pure, dense colonies. Its long, arched leaves, or fronds, are deeply cut and triangular in shape.
Plant formFernFamilyDennstaedtiaceae -
Heart-leaved aster, common blue wood aster
This plant grows 30 to 100 cm tall. It has narrow, heart-shaped leaves. The leaf stalk is covered in a thin membrane.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsteraceae (Compositae) -
Hellebore-like epipactis
The stem of this plant grows 30 to 60 cm tall and is covered in fine, short hairs. The lower leaves are broad, while the ones higher up the stem are lance-shaped.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyOrchidaceae -
Indian cucumber-root
This plant has a fleshy, white rhizome. Its stem is 30 to 90 cm tall. It bears whorls of leaves at two points on the stem. The pendant yellow flowers form just below the upper leaves.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyLiliaceae -
Interrupted fern, Clayton's fern
This tall (1.25 m) fern forms dense but usually small colonies. Its fronds grow in crowns.
Plant formFernFamilyOsmundaceae