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Allegheny blackberry
This very large plant grows 60 to 240 cm tall. Its upright, glandular, downy stems are covered with stiff, almost straight thorns.
Plant formBroad-leaved shrubFamilyRosaceae -
Alpine rockcress
This plant forms a 40 cm high carpet. It has lightly toothed, slightly downy leaves. Its fruit and white flowers are held upright.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyBrassicaceae (Cruciferae) -
Alternate-leaved dogwood
This small tree may grow up to 10 m tall. Its thin, reddish-brown bark is smooth when young and separates into shallow ridges with age. The branches are shiny and almost horizontal.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyCornaceae -
American beech
This 18 to 24 m tall tree is easy to recognize year-round, with its smooth, silvery bark mottled with diamond-shaped patches. It has slender shiny twigs.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyFagaceae -
American linden, American basswood
This 18 to 40 m tall tree has a trunk 40 to 80 cm in diameter. Its large dark green leaves have paler undersides and measure 5 to 15 cm across.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilyTiliaceae -
Balsam fir
This 10 to 22 m tall tree has flattened needles arranged on either side of the branch.
Plant formConiferFamilyPinaceae -
Balsam poplar
This 8 to 24 m tall tree has a narrow crown and large, ascending branches. Its roots are shallow.
Plant formBroadleaf treeFamilySalicaceae -
Beach groundsel
This large rhizomatous plant is fleshy and aromatic. Its sturdy, leaf-covered stem grows 15 to 100 cm tall. The oval leaves are 10 to 20 cm long.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsteraceae (Compositae) -
Beach wormwood, Steller's wormwood
This 50 cm tall plant forms greenish white or greyish clumps or masses. This colouring is caused by the thick coat of white hairs covering the stems, leaves and groups of flowers.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyAsteraceae (Compositae) -
Beachhead iris, beachhead flag
This average-sized (30 to 50 cm) rhizomatous plant grows in clumps. It is smaller and has narrower leaves than larger blue flag (see descriptive record).
Plant formHerbaceous shoreline plantFamilyIridaceae -
Beaked hazelnut
This approximately 3 m tall shrub forms bushes. Its alternate, oval leaves are heart-shaped at the base and pointed at the tip.
Plant formBroad-leaved shrubFamilyBetulaceae -
These plants grow 30 to 200 cm tall. They have square stems. Their leaves appear to be arranged in whorls around the stem, but are actually opposite. They have stipules that resemble leaves.
Plant formHerbaceous terrestrial plantFamilyRubiaceae