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Kobus magnolia

  • Trees and Shrubs
Kobus magnolia (Magnolia kobus)
Photo: Jardin botanique de Montréal (Daniel Fortin)
Magnolia kobus.



Origin and description

Large tree with a somewhat pyramidal crown, becoming round with age. Many branches with grey bark. Simple, obovate leaves, pointed at the tips, dark green above and pale green below. White flowers, slightly fragrant, with slightly downturned petals and flushed pink at the base. Blooms in spring, but only once the tree has been established for several years. Blooms appear before leaves open. Pink fruit with red seeds. Limited, shallow root system.

Common name

Kobus magnolia

Latin name (genus)

Magnolia kobus

English common name

French common name

Botanical family

  • Magnoliaceae

Growing conditions

Moderate growth.
Needs full sun. Prefers cool, well-drained soil. In some species, some of the flower buds freeze in winter, because they form the previous season. To bloom abundantly, they need a site sheltered from the wind.

Easy to grow?

Planting this tree as a balled and burlapped or container-grown specimen makes transplanting less difficult. Best transplanted in early spring.


Planted as a specimen for its showy blooms.


  • Zone 4b

See also

Pests and diseases
Physiological disorders