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Growing herbs indoors

Italian parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum).
Photo: Jardin botanique de Montréal (Raymond Gagnon)
Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum

Many herbs, including chervil, chives, oregano, parsley, thyme and rosemary, can be grown in pots indoors. They require cool temperatures, however (except basil), high humidity and bright sunlight, so be sure to place them near a window with a southern exposure. Excellent results may be obtained with artificial lighting.

Transfer herb plants from your garden into pots in late August, after trimming back their roots and foliage by one third. Leave the pots outdoors for another two weeks before bringing them indoors.

You can also start seeds in pots outdoors in mid- or late summer and bring them indoors in late August.