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  • December 19, 2023

An important $1M donation for research at the Biodôme

  • Biodôme
Photo: Espace pour la vie (Mélanie Dusseault)
An important $1M donation for research at the Biodôme

An important $1M donation for research at the Biodôme Montréal Space for Life welcomes the announcement by its Foundation of a major donation of $1M that, beginning in 2024, will allow for the funding of several research projects headed by the scientists of Space for Life and most especially those from the Biodôme.

This important personal donation from Mr. Jean Paquin will improve funding for the research programs that are at the heart of a number of urgent actions relating to the protection of biodiversity.

Three specific research areas are targeted:

Area 1: ecotoxicology projects

Ecotoxicology is the study of the ecological impacts of environmental pollution. The aim of the research project is to develop indicators of physiological and overall health for organisms exposed to different contaminants.

Area 2: ecophysiology project

Ecophysiology is the study of organisms’ behavioral and physiological responses. The research project aims to test microalgae-based bait alternatives for lobster and crab fishing as a means of promoting more sustainable fishing practices.

Area 3: biodiversity conservation projects of the Endangered Species Fund

The Space for Life Foundation’s Endangered Species Fund was set up in the framework of COP15 in 2002; its aim is to speed up the conservation and research work of Space for Life museums. Through this fund, the community is invited to contribute to the funding of projects that contribute to slowing the decline of biodiversity. Among the projects under way we may mention the wood turtle recovery plan, the breeding in captivity of the chorus frog and the on-site program for the propagation, reintroduction and research on the copper redhorse.

Space for Life expresses its heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Paquin and the Foundation, and reminds readers of the importance of intensifying efforts to protect ecosystems and to conserve endangered species, our legacy for future generations.

Learn more about Space for Life’s scientific research projects

About the Space for Life Foundation

A public charity, the Foundation contributes to the philanthropic development of Space for Life and to the scientific, educational, cultural, social and artistic missions of its five museums: the Biodôme, the Biosphère, the Insectarium, the Jardin botanique and the Planétarium. The Foundation funds projects as wide-ranging as spots in Space for Life day camps for children from underprivileged neighborhoods, research projects, the purchase of specialized equipment, and community-science initiatives. In 2022, its contribution to Space for Life projects by way of donations and grants amounted to more than $8,400,000.