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Planets visible to the naked eye

  • Photo: Marc Jobin
    Planets visible to the naked eye

    Here's a look at the planets that will be observable with the naked eye in the coming days. Follow these guidelines to find out where and when to look for them.

    From July 22 to August 5, 2024

    Mercury is visible with difficulty in the evening sky until July 28. Using binoculars, look for the tiny planet low in the west-northwest, 30 minutes after sunset. Mercury will pass between Earth and the Sun on August 18 (inferior conjunction) and will gradually emerge in the morning sky for a fine apparition between August 28 and September 19.

    Venus gradually reappears as the Evening star but remains close to the horizon at dusk and is only visible through the glow of sunset. Look for the planet very low in the west-northwest, 30 minutes after sunset.

    Mars is readily visible during the last hours of the night until dawn. The Red Planet emerges in the east-northeast after 1:30 a.m. One hour before sunrise, it can be found due east, nearly 35 degrees above the horizon. A few degrees below Mars, notice the star Aldebaran, whose colour and brightness are similar to the Red Planet. The waning crescent Moon hangs 4 degrees to the upper left of Mars on the morning of July 30; bright Jupiter also shines nearby.

    Jupiter is now plainly visible at the end of the night and at dawn. The bright Giant Planet rises in the east-northeast after 2:00 a.m.; one hour before sunrise, it shines almost 30 degrees above the eastern horizon. The waning crescent Moon hangs 8 degrees above Jupiter on the morning of July 30 and 7 ½ degrees to the left of the planet the next morning, July 31; Mars also shines nearby.

    Saturn is easy to during the second half of the night until dawn. The Ringed Planet emerges above the eastern horizon after 11:00 p.m. Saturn culminates before dawn, around 4:00 a.m., 38 degrees high in the south. The waning gibbous Moon will appear near Saturn during the night of July 24 to 25, and again during the night of July 25 to 26.

    See also

    Monthly Sky

    The Pocket Planetarium

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