This summer, Espace pour la vie is reaching out to celebrate nature near you in parks and public spaces throughout Montreal and the greater metropolitan area. All summer long, the Espace pour la vie crew will be out and about helping you observe and explore the places that we live next to on a daily basis, often without paying them much attention. Like guides in art museums, our educators will be prompting you to take a closer look at the nature all around you. Plants, mammals, birds, insects, minerals, weather and the night sky will be the works of art of this open-air museum, lending themselves at times to scientific observation, at others to poetic inspiration. This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with nature in all these spaces for life!
Becoming a better observer by awakening your senses
Most of us know lots of brand names, logos and advertising slogans off by heart and notice the slightest changes in the retail landscape. But what about the stars, trees, flowers, birds and insects? If you listen closely, breathe in deeply and open your eyes really wide, there’s a good chance you’ll start to see your nearby park in a totally different light.
In this unusual tour showcasing nature in an urban setting, the activities organized by the Espace pour la vie crew will focus on exploring the close interrelationships between living beings, including humans, and ecosystem dynamics, appreciating the resilience and adaptability of our planet and the life it sustains, and shifting from passive to active observation.
Local nature museums
The Espace pour la vie crew has decided to treat the constraints of living with Covid-19 as an opportunity to pursue its mission beyond its regular museums and continue to help you connect with nature. This is doubly important in these challenging times, as many studies have shown the positive impact on health of keeping in touch with nature.
By reaching out to residents in their own neighbourhoods, Espace pour la vie wants to strengthen its social connection with Montrealers. Now, as part of its many science education, engagement and community science initiatives, Espace pour la vie is dedicated to providing a unique experience that will inspire you and help you reconnect with nature in your own neighbourhood!
68 days of activities
All summer long until September 7
From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in a park or public space in Montreal
or the greater metropolitan area
Every day of the week (except Sunday)
Cancelled in the event of bad weather
To find out times and places:
*In an effort to avoid large gatherings, information about times and places will be announced gradually throughout the summer.
Espace pour la vie is made up of four attractions on the same site: the Biodôme, Insectarium, Jardin botanique and Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan. These four prestigious municipal institutions form Canada's largest natural science museum complex. Together, they are launching a daring, creative urban movement, urging everyone to rethink the connection between humankind and nature and cultivate a new way of living.
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