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Broad-snouted caiman
The green color with grayish tones of the broad-snouted caiman enables it to camouflage itself in areas that are thick in vegetation.
Its short, sturdy snout is as broad as its head.
ClassReptiliaOrderCrocodiliaFamilyAlligatoridae -
Brook trout
The colouring of the brook trout's marbled markings varies with age and environment. The back varies from olive green to black. The flanks are marked with pale spots and red spots with blue halos.
ClassOsteichthyes (bony fish)OrderSalmoniformesFamilySalmonidae -
Brown pencilfish
The brown pencilfish is very small, slender and elongated. It has a pointy head, and a broad black stripe runs down its side, contrasting with the light color of its back.
ClassOsteichthyes (bony fish)OrderCharaciformesFamilyLebiasinidae -
The callimico, also known as the goeldi's marmoset, has a short, soft coat varying from black to blackish brown. Its fur is 1 to 2 cm long.
ClassMammaliaOrderPrimatesFamilyCebidae -
Canada lynx
The coat of the Canada lynx is silver grey in winter and brown in summer. This feline has a tuft of long black hairs at the tips of its ears. The end of its short tail is black.
ClassMammaliaOrderCarnivoraFamilyFelidae -
Cane toad
The giant marine toad is brown. It has small wart-like bumps on its back and the backs of its legs. There is a poison gland behind each eye. It is three-quarters as wide as it is long.
ClassAmphibia (Batracia)OrderAnuraFamilyBufonidae -
A capybara, the world's largest rodent, looks like a giant guinea pig. It has a large rectangular head with large brown eyes and a blunt muzzle.
ClassMammaliaOrderRodentsFamilyHydrochoeridae -
Cedar waxwing
The cedar waxwing is a greenish brown bird with a black crest and mask.
ClassBirdsOrderPasseriformesFamilyBombycillidae -
Chestnut-sided warbler
The male can be recognized by its greenish-yellow cap, bordered in black, and by the broad, brown-coloured stripe down each side of the body.
ClassBirdsOrderPasseriformesFamilyParulidae -
Chinstrap penguin
The chinstrap penguin has the classic penguin coloring, a black back and a white belly. The top of the head is black, but the face and throat are white.
ClassBirdsOrderSphenisciformesFamilySpheniscidae (penguins)