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Golden poison frog
Golden poison frogs are the largest dendrobatids and unlike most other species of that family, their colouration is uniform — no spots, stripes or contrasting bands.
ClassAmphibia (Batracia)OrderAnuraFamilyDendrobatidae -
Great spider crab, Atlantic lyre crab
The great spider crab has long legs and a violin-shaped body.
ClassCrustaceaOrderDecapodaFamilyOregoniidae -
Green sea urchin
Green sea urchins are round and covered with short spines less than 1 cm long. Between the spines are tube feet, for locomotion.
ClassEchinoideaOrderEchinoidaFamilyStrongylocentrotidae -
Green-and-black poison dart frog
There are more than 15 varieties of coloured frogs in this species. At the Biodôme, we have the green and black variety.
ClassAmphibia (Batracia)OrderAnuraFamilyDendrobatidae -
Grey catbird
The gray catbird is a slender-bodied, slate-grey coloured passerine, with a black cap. It frequently flicks its tail, which is chestnut underneath.
ClassBirdsOrderPasseriformesFamilyMimidae -
Harlequin duck
The adult male is metallic leaden blue with chestnut flanks. It can be identified by the white patch between the bill and eyes and the narrow white collar around the neck.
ClassBirdsOrderAnseriformesFamilyAnatidae (geese and ducks) -
Hermit crab
The hermit crab is similar in shape to a lobster. The long, soft abdomen is not protected by an exoskeleton, as is the upper part of the animal's body.
ClassCrustaceaOrderDecapodaFamilyPaguridae -
Jamaican fruit bat
The Jamaican fruit bat has a stocky body and a wide, leaf-shaped muzzle with a structure called a nose leaf.
ClassMammaliaOrderChiropteraFamilyPhyllostomidae -
King penguin
This large penguin is second in size only to the emperor penguin. It has a white belly, an orangey throat and silver back. Its head is black, and it has a tear-shaped orange spot behind the eye.
ClassBirdsOrderSphenisciformesFamilySpheniscidae (penguins) -
Little skate
Little skates have a flattened body and a pointed snout. Their dorsal surface is rough.
ClassChondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)OrderRajiformesFamilyRajidae