Multimedia show with live commentary
- Location: Chaos Theatre
- Audience: Ages 7 and up
- Length: 40 minutes
In March 2015, a team from the Planétarium travelled to Yellowknife, in the Northwest Territories, to spend many frigid nights filming no fewer than 179,000 images of the northern lights, in 360°. The crew had the perfect conditions to observe these shimmering waves of light, beneath a clear sky far from sources of light pollution. In these northern regions, the aurora borealis are visible 240 nights a year, on average.
For this all-new production by the Planétarium, directors Philippe Baylaucq and Sébastien Gauthier have put together an original immersive show. Gauthier, in co-operation with Loïc Quesnel, set the images to music by DJ Champion to create an exceptional experience for audiences. The show is accompanied by live commentary by the planetarium’s science interpreters, explaining the origin of these fascinating luminous phenomena.
Technical informations
- Production
Montréal Space for Life - Directors
Philippe Baylaucq
Sébastien Gauthier - Executive Producer and Project Manager
Sébastien Gauthier - Script
Sébastien Gauthier
Loïc Quesnel - Music
DJ Champion - Sound Designer
Benoît Dame - Artistic Director – special effects
François Guinaudeau - Artistic Director – aurora borealis
Rémi Boucher - Immersive filming
Society for Arts and Technology
Kwon O Chull
Göran Strand
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