Hardwood forest
The hardwood forest is dominated by sugar maples and oaks. Raspberries and blackberries also grow there, as well as hawthorn, tobacco, and herbs such as wild ginger and toothwort. You will also find the horticultural area where the three sisters grow: corn, squash and beans.
Softwood forest
In addition to pine, spruce and balsam fir trees, this forest is home to birch trees and many different plants, most of which are medicinal. You can find different types of habitat such as the teepee and the wigwam, in addition to a drying rack and a traditional cache.
Nordic zone
The taiga, or black spruce forest, and the tundra, or base rock covered with sparse vegetation, make up the entire landscape.
Interpretation pavilion
You will find the Knowledge and Know-How permanent exhibition as well as Wapikoni mobile short films produced by young people from Native communities in Québec and Canada.