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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
On July 12, 2022, NASA revealed the very first pictures taken by the new James Webb Space Telescope. The five shots show us the incredible optical...Read more
Just what is a black hole? Why is Pluto no longer a planet? Is there life elsewhere in the Universe? These are questions that come up regularly when...Read more
Among the scientists who contributed to the elaboration of the Big Bang theory, Mgr. Georges Lemaître is one of the most important. And yet, the...Read more
We live in a world defined by waves. There are waves on every imaginable scale, from the infinitely small to the infinitely great. They can be...Read more
The magnificent grandeur of the cosmos summons our fascination, our imagination, and our apprehension, as do the majestic objects that occupy it...Read more
When we look at the night sky, the luminous points of light we see are stars. But is the space between the stars empty? For a long time that’s what...Read more