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Common evening primrose

  • Native Plants,
  • Annuals, perennials and bulbs
Oenothera biennis
Photo: Jacques Ranger
Oenothera biennis, Richelieu (01-08-12)
  • Oenothera biennis, Richelieu (01-08-12)
  • Oenothera biennis, Richelieu (02-08-12)
  • Oenothera biennis



Origin and description

Biennial (or short-lived perennial) native to Québec. Its flowers open late in the day and remain open until the next morning (longer in cloudy weather). They are therefore visited especially by moths.

Height: 65 to 125 cm (sometimes higher)
Width: 25 to 45 cm
Blooms: yellow, slightly fragrant, July to September
Attractions for wildlife: attracts butterflies, pollinators and hummingbirds

Common name

Common evening primrose

Latin name (genus)

Oenothera biennis

English common name

French common name

Botanical family

  • Onagraceae

Growing conditions

Exposure: sun
Soil type: fresh or dry, light, well-drained
Observation: reseeds itself easily


  • Zone 2

See also

Pests and diseases
Physiological disorders