Émilie Tanguay-Pelchat has been artistic designer of projects for the Public Programs and Education division at the Jardin botanique since 2010. The holder of a bachelor of landscape architecture degree, she worked as a landscape architect in urban design from 2002 to 2010 on a number of competitions and projects both in Montréal and internationally. She has had a passion for the visual arts since childhood, and over the years has done coursework in oil painting, silkscreening, lithography, sculpture and art history as well as visual-arts training at the École des beaux-arts Artus de Montréal. Her personal practice colors her design approach at Space for Life. Since taking up her duties, and more specifically at the Jardin botanique, she has been responsible for the design of outdoor thematic pathways, landscaped spaces, exhibition stagings, temporary installations, and furnishings, and set up many collaborations with artists and artisans.