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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
In the world of research and discovery, little stories pop up from time to time that provide insight into the everyday lives of specialists in the...Read more
The frog-legged leaf beetle, or Sagra femorata , is an example of the many species that will be on display at the new Insectarium. This magnificent...Read more
When I talk about my work, most people are surprised that I can rear insects and make a career out of it. But in fact, there are many reasons for...Read more
If Noah’s Ark was home to two examples from every animal species on Earth, one-quarter of its passengers would have been beetles: Coleoptera . The...Read more
Decomposing organisms are essential for the functioning of our ecosystems, because they make the energy and nutrients immobilized in dead matter...Read more
The starry sky beetle, or Asian longhorned beetle , is a pest that made its way from China and Korea to the American continent via the shipping of...Read more
One of the great pleasures of tending a flower or vegetable garden is being able to very closely observe life unfolding there in the most diverse...Read more
Have you ever wondered how fecal matter gets recycled in nature? What would the consequences in pastures be if dung beetles failed to play their...Read more
We’re so often impressed by human inventions. And yet, nature often got their ahead of us, and a long, long time ago. Insects can inspire at any...Read more