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Gheylen Daghfous

Gheylen Daghfous
Gheylen Daghfous
  • Gheylen Daghfous
  • Gheylen Daghfous
  • Gheylen Daghfous

About my work

As a conservation officer at the Biodôme, I am involved in the development and management of live collections, which includes, among other things, the selection of animal species. I also take care of maintaining the ecological concepts of the different ecosystems represented at the Biodôme.

Internationally, I collaborate with other zoological institutions to carry out animal exchanges, and I handle the legal and logistic aspects concerning animal transactions, including their transport. I am also responsible for coordinating conservation and research projects on different animal species. For example, I study Martinique Robber frogs, small frogs of which several species are threatened. The purpose of this research is to improve our knowledge of these species (range, morphology, genetics, ecology) and thus to better protect them.

I am also interested in the copper redhorse, a species of fish that only exists in Quebec and is in danger of extinction. Its breeding areas are few and localized, so we need to protect them. The long-term goal is to help the recovery of the species but also to awaken the public to the protection of this species, including helping to recognize it.

Why I love research

Rather curious by nature, my diversified work is a passion. Every day, I learn new things in my field as in others! To discover the animal world and its abundance while raising awareness about environmental issues is particularly important to me. My biggest reward? To generate A-ha! moments, to arouse a vocation, to bring about an awakening on certain subjects, to change perceptions on what surrounds us...