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Loans of specimens for scientific research

Tosena splendida
Photo: Insectarium de Montréal (René Limoges)
Tosena splendida.

The Insectarium encourages entomologists, researchers and scientists to first observe specimens at the Centre sur la Biodiversité de l’Université de Montréal. Then, if the research project requires it, the visitor can make a loan request after making a preliminary selection.

All scientific collection specimens, including type specimens, are exclusively available for purposes of scientific research conducted at or in collaboration with recognized museums, universities, research centres or government entities. The maximum duration of a loan is one (1) year. However, it is possible to renew one or more loans following a written agreement. Borrowers are strongly encouraged to transport loaned specimens themselves.

Loan Conditions

  1. Property: All specimens remain the property of the Montréal Insectarium.
  2. Acknowledgment of receipt of specimens: Sign and return the first copy upon receipt of specimens; the borrower keeps the second copy.
  3. Loan duration: Except for specific circumstances, loans are of an initial duration of one year, beginning on the date that specimens were received; primary type specimens can be loaned for a three-month period only. Most loans are renewable upon request.
  4. Loans to students:  A loan requested by a student must be co-signed by a teacher or professor in charge of that student.
  5. Loan transfers: Under no circumstances can a loan be transferred to a third party or another institution without a written request, approved by the curator.
  6. Borrower status: Borrowers must inform the curator of any change of address or status.
  7. Specimen storage conditions: Do not make any changes to the way specimens are stored. Genital parts or other structures can be dissected, if the parts are contained in the material generally used for the taxa in question. Primary type specimens can only be dissected with permission from the curator.
  8. Returning specimens: Specimens must be returned in their original packaging and packed to ensure their return in good condition. A minimum of two inches of packing must surround specimen boxes. Material must be returned by registered mail only. Never return specimens in December.
  9. Request to keep specimens: All loaned material must first be returned, accompanied by a list identifying the specimens that the borrower would like to keep longer.
  10. Type and unique specimens: All primary type specimens and unique specimens must be returned. A reasonable number of duplicates (identical date and sex) identified by the borrower (including some paratypes in the description) can be kept, with the curator’s permission.
  11. Publications: Copies of all publications published about specimens from the Insectarium’s collections, in whole or in part, must be sent to the Insectarium to the attention of the curator. If reprints are not available, a list of quotes from the publication must be sent to the curator.