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Insects and other arthropods


Danaus plexippus

Tabs group


The monarch is one of Quebec’s largest diurnal butterflies. It has orange wings with black veins and a wingspan of 9.3 to 10.5 cm. This butterfly is famous for the spectacular migration that eastern North American populations undertake each autumn to Mexico.

The male can be distinguished from the female by two small black spots on the hindwings. In addition, the black bands on the wings of the female are wider than those of the male.

Ecological role

These butterflies help to pollinate various nectar-bearing plants as they browse on their flowers.

Life cycle

The life cycle of the monarch can be broken down into four distinct stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult (butterfly). It is at the adult stage that migratory populations embark on their journey to their wintering site.