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Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
For a long time we’ve been exploring the possibility that there are planets orbiting other stars in the Universe. But it was only in the 1990s that...Read more
The Exo show at the Planétarium Rio tinto Alcan will finish up the year by asking that age-old question: Is anybody out there? This eternal...Read more
On September 15, space mission Cassini came to an end in a great fireworks display as the probe disintegrated in the planet Saturn’s atmosphere...Read more
On Monday, August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will occur. To see this spectacular phenomenon at its most grandiose, however, one will have to...Read more
We check our calendars all the time. While they may appear very simple, in fact people throughout history have struggled to design calendars and...Read more
Autumn is the ideal season for observing our distant cosmic neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy. It’s the only galaxy that’s easily visible to the naked...Read more
The magnificent grandeur of the cosmos summons our fascination, our imagination, and our apprehension, as do the majestic objects that occupy it...Read more
Two spectacular planetary appulses are set to take place near the end of the month: On the evening of August 24, Mars will appear about four degrees...Read more
For the past month, night owls and early risers have doubtlessly noticed a dazzling, orange star-like object shining in the south. That object is the...Read more
On May 9, 2016, the tiny planet Mercury will pass directly in front of the Sun. For more than 7 hours, its miniscule round form will appear...Read more