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Would you like to participate in the advancement of natural science and scientific culture? Get people interested in environmental issues? Become a member of the Space for Life Foundation and take part in its activities.
Their extensive live and naturalized collections, their educational capacities and their scientific research all contribute to the unique character of our museums.
Québec's tens of thousands of lakes and rivers account for 16 percent of the world's fresh water supply and are a treasure that must be protected...Read more
With the return of nice weather, buds are opening and many animals are emerging from their winter rest or returning from their wintering areas. For a...Read more
Rivers swollen by snow-melt that breach their banks every spring can cause enormous material damage to the homes built right next to them. This...Read more
Written on April 28, 2021 Planning a visit to the Biodôme with your school-age children? As a couple? By yourself? Try the free “Espace pour la vie”...Read more
Have you noticed that we’ve been seeing more northern cardinals over the last ten years or so? Did you know that these birds have seen their...Read more
Written on December 18, 2014 Christmas is a festive time but let's be honest, many people can find it stressful. Schedule changes, overeating and...Read more
Suppose you tried to bottle autumn and re-create it in a place where the season doesn’t exist naturally. How would you go about it? Even with the...Read more
Sensitizing neighborhood residents to the richness of a nearby woodland and identifying the actions that restrict its regeneration can contribute...Read more
On May 15, 1982, I arrived in the village of Percé. The years that followed would define the intense passion that I have for the sea. I’d like to...Read more
Summer is what’s going on outside! Haven’t you noticed that nature is everywhere? If you haven’t, all it takes is to alert your senses and direct...Read more